Friday, May 12, 2006

Last night Nick and I worked on Scenefoo a bit at my apartment. Also there were my girlfriend, Diana, and current roommate, Chris. We were eating dinner from backyard Burger and watching The Big Lebowski as well. Good times. Well Nick and I finally broke down and bought hosting for our site from Dreamhost. We prepaid for a year and our referer was Vinnie of Meetro so hopefully he'll get something out of it too. We're in the process of moving the code, databases, etc. over to the new server and making sure all the links, functions, and plugins/mods work. Then we can start testing some more and implementing more features. I can't wait. I think Nick and I are going to work on it some more tonight. We still really need a logo/index page that doesn't look like crap. At least we have three color schemes to choose from.
Peter Owen


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