Sunday, June 04, 2006

So last night Scenefoo attended a party that was at my apartment for my roommate Chris. It was his 24th birthday party. For shizzle. Chris is below.

This is Nick of Scenefoo.

And this is Peter of Scenefoo.

Happy Birthday, Chris!
Peter Owen

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Another feature added! This new feature allows you to limit the number of comments or friends that appear at a time on your page. For example, if you use the page variable $commentbox(5) then that will show you only 5 comments on the page when it loads. It will also display a "Show More" link at the bottom allowing you to show the next 5 comments when you view the page. Below is a screen shot where I used $commentbox(3) and $friendbox(9)

Enjoy the new feature!
Peter Owen

Friday, June 02, 2006

Speaking of new features.. the "remember me for 2 weeks" when you log in is done as well as the picture delete so now you can delete pictures. Sahweet! The only down side with the picture delete is if you have displayed some on your page (or someone else's pictures) and one is deleted, it may switch which picture is displayed. Below are some totally awesome screen shots!

Peter Owen

Thursday, June 01, 2006

New features... a term that every start up loves to rattle off as often as possible. We have a couple of new features. First off, you can now go directly to someone's blog by putting it in the URL. For example, if you wanted to link directly to my blog and my user name was 'peter', which it is, the URL would be Go ahead and try it out. Another feature that is close to being done is the "remember me" feature upon log in so you don't have to type your password every damn time. I'm personally excited about this one because I think I'm on more than anyone else. :X We hope to have more features even sooner. We will keep you updated. Over and out.
Peter Owen